Particle Physics - variable collision distance
my main problem right now using Particle physics interparticle collision is based on the fact that geometry has to be very "even" in vertices distribution in order to have proper interparticle collision.
E.g. I have a head geometry. I create a particle with it, then turn to cloth, then add particle physics for self collision.
Since the head has slightly different geo density (ears have more polys than mouth/cheeks), I have to lower the collision radius (or the simulation will explode/deform the cloth mesh), but in this way the collision won't work anymore. 
Attached a file that shows an example - inflating geometry that stops colliding properly.


Attached Files
.max   Cloth inflate.max (Size: 688 KB / Downloads: 207)

Messages In This Thread
Particle Physics - variable collision distance - by Zemmu - 05-07-2019, 03:11 PM

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