Mesh and materials seems to be not consistent in tycache (vray GPU)
(10-28-2021, 08:40 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Make sure all farm nodes are using the exact same version of tyFlow that you used to export. Also make sure all farm nodes are able to see the cache path.

If it works with VRay CPU and not VRay GPU, you'll have to contact Chaos Group directly...they are responsible for the tyFlow GPU implementation.

Understood. I'll double check before raising the issue with them.

EDIT: I just tried using CPU to render. The shaders switching around is still present. The mesh doesn't disappear on some nodes like GPU though so that's one problem down. I also checked farm and user PC version. They are identical.

EDIT2: Additional information. The shader network is using vray multisub (random by renderID). It seems like it can be fixed if i stick to FaceMaterialID and set the ID number to random in tyFlow.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mesh and materials seems to be not consistent in tycache (vray GPU) - by Syu_z - 10-29-2021, 02:36 AM

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