(Solved) Need help understanding Phoenix + TyFlow interaction
Yours works, and I think I understand where we differ. But I am not sure if my understanding is correct. Feel free to correct me.

Looks like the primary reason why my simulation doesn't work with tyflow is because I was simulating something that was moving in time, and I parented the sim grid to the sphere while it is moving, and the grid keeps expanding over time. I did this because it will be pretty fast to sim at the beginning frames before it started expanding. For illustration purposes, imagine my sphere is 50cm, and moving forward for 1000cm. and I created a grid of 70x70x70 cm instead of something like.. 70x70x1100 cm.

Tyflow produced particles correctly but as soon as it left the initial grid (since the grid is moving forward together with the sphere, even though technically the grid itself is adaptive and therefore expanding), it loses the fluid force influence and it is stuck moving in 1 axis only.

After gaining this knowledge, I tried creating a grid that encompasses my whole animation path, and did not allow it to move with my sphere, essentially covering the whole path with the sim grid. Adaptive grid disabled.

Voila, it works perfectly, and I am still using version 57.

So, can I assume that anything that uses adaptive grid, and when the particle left the initial grid size, is ignored by tyflow fluid force calculation?

Also, what's the use of velocity channel input in the birth fluid? It still fills my whole grid with particles that's not part of the smoke. I did the velocity output in the sim, but looks like tyflow detected those automatically, so there's no need to tick the velocity channel in birth fluid. The documentation stated that anything with velocity above 0 will spawn particles, Does that mean the whole grid has velocity above 0?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Need help understanding Phoenix + TyFlow interaction - by Syu_z - 11-13-2019, 09:49 AM

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