Projectile keyframing and management tips?
Should be pretty similar as PFlow. 
How about just selecting the tip of the spaceship guns, and then: 
- Birth 
- Position object (selected mesh) 
- Shape (lasers)... probably box, or just pick some geometry 

You can animate rate of the birth.. or maybe use that "birth interval" (not sure, haven't used it yet, but it sounds something useful for this )  

One thing to keep in mind. Tyflow by default have 1 step per frame, and as I recall Pflow have double by default 1/2. 
Since you're dealing with spaceship and (probably) very fast lasers, you might want to increase substeps quite a bit, so it can detect collisions. 

Hope this helps.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Projectile keyframing and management tips? - by d4rk3lf - 12-02-2019, 07:07 PM

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