Hair Dynamics
Was wondering what the best solution for simulating strands of bones to simulate hair dynamics would be? I came across this solution for PFlow but it's quite slow and requires the bone chains to be split into separate events to stop the bindings changing.

I have hair geometry which I would skin to about 12 bone chains (each chain having approx 10 bones). I had thought that this could be done with a TyActor but I can't get the Actors to be in the exact position. Also if I spawn particles along splines where I want the chains then they also change their binding allegiance when they get close to other particles.

Another requirement would be that the particles would try to restore their original position relative to their parent (unless a collision is stopping them) so that hair restores to it's initial / target state when it can.

I'm sure there's an elegant solution to this in TyFlow where particles can bounce more or less depending on far along a chain they are, and those particles can themselves have some collisions with other meshes.

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