Pulley with rope animation

I am making a course for 3ds max and I have my final test. If have to task to make chain reactions with 3ds max.
So I have looked everywhere for a tutorial.... splines binding... but nothing helps me or give the help I need.

I want to make a pulley with rope animation as per the picture attachment.
Is there anybody who could help me how to do that ? Is ist possible to make this with tyflow.
I am floating.

For any help I am really thankful

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Have you looked at the official tyFlow example files? There's an example with a chain winding up around a cylinder. I could imagine a modification of that would fit the criteria of your project.
(05-27-2021, 03:05 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Have you looked at the official tyFlow example files? There's an example with a chain winding up around a cylinder. I could imagine a modification of that would fit the criteria of your project.

Many thks, Yes I have seen this scen... and checked.  The problem is with pulley I have to forces which are addicted to each other and further the rope should rotate around the pulley.
But thank you anyway, I will double check with this scene.
If you construct pulley with several convex objects (same as chain in chain sample), it should work.
But in order to make it really precise, you'll need to make series of tests of trials and errors... 
...or be more knowledgeable then me. Smile
(I've never tried something like this, but it's interesting question) 

Keep in mind that mass parameter only mean force that one particle pushes the other.
It doesn't mean that object is heavier... for that... you'll need to disable PhysX default gravity, and enable separate gravity for each different sized object.
As I said, it's fairly simple to create something like this, but if you want it to be really precise, then it's much more work.

That's my 2 cents, Tyson, or someone else, might  give you much  better advise
(05-27-2021, 06:43 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: If you construct pulley with several convex objects (same as chain in chain sample), it should work.
But in order to make it really precise, you'll need to make series of tests of trials and errors... 
...or be more knowledgeable then me. Smile
(I've never tried something like this, but it's interesting question) 

Keep in mind that mass parameter only mean force that one particle pushes the other.
It doesn't mean that object is heavier... for that... you'll need to disable PhysX default gravity, and enable separate gravity for each different sized object.
As I said, it's fairly simple to create something like this, but if you want it to be really precise, then it's much more work.

That's my 2 cents, Tyson, or someone else, might  give you much  better advise

Hey Hey
many thks for your answer. The teacher of the 3D course told me as well, that you have to cheat this animation. So what I do not understand how to adapt the chain tutorial due the chain tutorial has a Tyactor and no splines. So Pulley with rope are normally done with splines. That is making me confusing.For your help I would be very grateful... Desiree
Well, from the chain sample scene you can learn that you can create proper concave 3D models that works with PhysX if you brake them apart to small pieces.
In your case, that would be the pulley.
For the rope, you can simply scatter small boxes on the spline (with same distance), and use these boxes to drive the rope animation with PhysX and PhysX bind.
Then you can add a spline paths (by PhysX Binds) operator, so it creates spline, that you can render as a rope.

Hope this helps.

Maybe this tut can get you started:

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