Script Operator accessing scene object properties

I have no knowledge about using C# in 3dsmax.
How would I access for example a rectangle's .width value inside a script operator?
Accessing regular max properties within a Script operator is more complex than regular maxscript access, but possible.

The following code could be used to access the "width" property of a rectangle named "Rectangle001" in the scene:

var global = GlobalInterface.Instance;
var pointHelper = global.COREInterface.GetINodeByName("Rectangle001"); //get the IINode of the rectangle
var pointRef = pointHelper.ObjectRef; //Get the IObjectRef of the IINode
var pblock = (Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.IParamBlock)pointRef.GetReference(1); //paramblock 1 of a shape object is its shape property paramblock (paramblock 0 of a shape is its renderable geometry properties)
Print (pblock.GetFloat(1,0)); //the width property is the second parameter in the paramblock, so we reference it with ID "1", since its property IDs are 0-based
yay, its possible!

So I have to reference this assembly, right?

But then I get this error

Quote:-- Runtime error: „NET runtime exception: Unable to cast object of type 'Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.ReferenceTarget' to type "Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.IParamBlock‘

caused by

var pblock = (Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.IParamBlock)pointRef.GetReference(1);

ok, the problem occurs when the rectangle as modifiers, so maybe I need to get to the baseobject...
Okay, it's working now. Some objects have different paramblocks...
Oh woops, yea...forgot to mention you have to reference the assembly. I'll add that assembly to the list of defaults in the next build, since it's a pretty common one to use.

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