Material problem of Shape node
When the Inherit from reference of the Shape node is used to read the material, if the group is picked, the geometry material in the group cannot be guaranteed to be correct.
When groups are chosen, inheritance is only possible when "split groups" is enabled.
(06-23-2021, 05:30 AM)轮胎流 Wrote: 当选择组时,只有在启用“拆分组”时才能进行继承。

Well, although this will be a mess, but it can only be done like this, and I hope it can be improved in the future.
You can't have multiple materials applied to a single particle (unless you do your own multi-sub material setup), so the limitation won't change.

Instead of using a Shape operator with a combined group, you can use an Actor operator and import the objects using a tyActor helper. That way the hierarchy of your particles will be retained as well as their materials (you just need to enable material inheritance in the Actor operator).
(06-25-2021, 03:07 PM)轮胎流 Wrote: 你不能有多个材料应用到一个单一的粒子(除非你自己做多子材料设置),所以限制不会改变。

I almost forgot this method. Thank you

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