HELP! Particle loop through tunnel with TyLooper?
Hello. Good morning.

I am trying to use TyLooper to loop a blood stream.

I have a base particle system.
A red blood cell as a shape.
A PathFollow to direct the red blood cells through the path.
Then I apply a TyLooper... but I don't see a loop.

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know exactly what.

I followed this tutorialâ–¼

Is TyCache really necessary?

Any suggestion? :S

Greetings and thank you very much.

You could post your file?

tyLooper operates on meshes, not particle's certainly possible to loop particles, but you first have to convert them to meshes with a Mesh operator. You also have to make sure that face/vertex count doesn't over time, so you have to sync your particle birth properly to account for your loop range.
I attached the file by private message.

We really just need the particles to follow the path without leaving the tube.

We have tried with TyLooper and with various events, and something always fails us.

Let's see if you could guide us a little.

Really we only need the physics for the collision between particles. Collision with the tube is not necessary as long as the path is followed.

I think it should be simpler than how we have created them.

Thank you very much.
Thanks for the file, but it seems like you already resolved the issue? The particles loop and I don't see any leaving the tube....maybe I'm missing something? Smile
(05-17-2022, 03:33 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Thanks for the file, but it seems like you already resolved the issue? The particles loop and I don't see any leaving the tube....maybe I'm missing something? Smile

Sorry, I sent you the wrong file. I've sent you another one, the "good" one.

In the first file you received I managed to make a linear Loop. But when applying it in the second file, the Loop does not appear correct at the beginning and end of the path.

Sorry! Thanks again.
(05-17-2022, 03:33 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Thanks for the file, but it seems like you already resolved the issue? The particles loop and I don't see any leaving the tube....maybe I'm missing something? Smile

were you able to open the new file?

The main problem in the new file I think is that even though your 3 event flows are 'separate', they're still all part of the same over-arching PhysX they are still interacting and thus affecting the outcome of each other (thus breaking the perfect loop). And by 'interacting' I don't mean colliding with each could be more subtle things, like numerically biasing the results of each other due to the order of collision processing having cross-influence within the global collision solver not anything you can remedy by just tweaking flow settings.

The easiest solution, since they're just 3 offsets of the same to cache one of them and then just duplicating the resulting tyCache, offseting the start time in each one to match your loop timings. That's how I did many of the loops on the frontpage of the site.
(05-19-2022, 01:59 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Hey,

The main problem in the new file I think is that even though your 3 event flows are 'separate', they're still all part of the same over-arching PhysX they are still interacting and thus affecting the outcome of each other (thus breaking the perfect loop). And by 'interacting' I don't mean colliding with each could be more subtle things, like numerically biasing the results of each other due to the order of collision processing having cross-influence within the global collision solver not anything you can remedy by just tweaking flow settings.

The easiest solution, since they're just 3 offsets of the same to cache one of them and then just duplicating the resulting tyCache, offseting the start time in each one to match your loop timings. That's how I did many of the loops on the frontpage of the site.

Thank you very much! We will try that!

All the best!

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