various c# scripting questions

Been doing a bit of c# scripting in Tyflow but Im struggling to figure out couple of things

A. How download a c# library and use it through through the "additional c" assemblies" in script operatror. What file formats should i look for, *.cs or *.dll and where should i place them, alongside maxfile or can reference by normal path ala c:/myassembly.dll?

B. When trying to rotate particles in script op i always run into the Quaternion wall - I simply cant make those Quats do what i want. Googling I find methods like CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3,Single) which makes sense to me define an axis and rotation amount, BUT it doesnt seem to work in script operator.

Where i found the CreateFromAxisAngle method
A) Just adding the full path to the DLL in the additional assemblies textbox should be enough to get it to load when the script is executed. It will load if it's a C# assembly DLL.

B) The Script operator has its own angle axis methods that you can use to get a quaternion:

var quat = new Quat(new AngAxis(vector, angle));
Thank you Tyson - just tried controlling rotation with a curl noise by script everything is awesome Smile

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