Offsetting terrains either manually or with nodes

would it make sense to have an option where the procedural maps move with the terrain object?

Say you're creating random bits of scenery, then currently the procedural map is in world space, so if you move a terrain the look changes as it moves through that space

Also is there any way to convert them to polys (say you want to take them and start pulling them around for overhangs etc)

(I can't see an obvious way other than exporting the height maps, applying that to a plane and exporting that)


You can use a Terrain Transform operator to move terrains after you set everything up, that way they won't slide "under" noise and such...everything will move with it. Just put it at the end of your event.

A Terrain Mesh operator can be used to convert the whole thing to a mesh. Then you can put an Edit Mesh modifier on your flow object and drag your verts around.
Great, thanks!

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