Add repeater function from birth op to other ops
The idea:

Add another timing option to operators (where it makes sense, like forces) mimicing the birth ops repeater timing.

I recently had the case where I wanted to repeatedly add point forces to particles, with some randomisation, as long as they are in a specific event.
So doing a recurisve setup with time test and sending them back and forth between events, is a bit complicated and a "repeater" timing would help speed things up here.
Not sure how many people would find this useful and since this would affect a lot of operators, it might be a bit more work, but I´d like to put it our there...;

Hm. On second thought I don´t know if thats necessary.
For some reason out of range types weren´t working for me in the curve editor for tyflow operators before, but I just checked again and they actually do work.
So thats a simple way of doing "Repeater" stuff and adding that might be not as useful as I thought it might be.

I probably hadn´t checked "continuous" or tried looping some paramter that simply wasn´t loopable, when I tried this last time.

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