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16:28:10 814MB INFO:
Redshift for 3ds Max 2022
16:28:10 814MB INFO:
Version 3.6.03, Jun 12 2024
16:28:10 814MB INFO:
Host application: Autodesk 3dsMax 24.3 (2022.3)
16:28:10 814MB DETAILED:
Plugin filename: c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\redshift3dsmax2022\bin\redshift4max.dlr
16:28:10 814MB DETAILED:
Plugin path: c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\redshift3dsmax2022\bin
16:28:10 814MB DETAILED:
Local data path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift
16:28:10 814MB DETAILED:
Core data path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift
16:28:10 814MB DETAILED:
Primary license path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift
16:28:10 814MB DETAILED:
Procedurals path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift\Procedurals
16:28:10 814MB DETAILED:
Preferences file: C:\ProgramData\Redshift\preferences.xml
16:28:15 1090MB DEBUG:
Querying texture cache budget from preferences.xml: 32 GB
16:28:15 1090MB DEBUG:
Querying cache path from preferences.xml: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Redshift\Cache
16:28:15 1090MB DEBUG:
Creating cache path C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Local\Redshift\Cache
16:28:15 1090MB DEBUG:
Enforcing shader cache budget...
16:28:15 1090MB DEBUG:
Enforcing texture cache budget...
16:28:15 1090MB DEBUG:
Collecting files...
16:28:15 1091MB DEBUG:
Total size for 3231 files 32742.56MB (budget 32768.00MB)
16:28:15 1091MB DEBUG:
Under budget. Done.
16:28:15 1091MB DEBUG:
Creating mesh cache...
16:28:15 1091MB DEBUG:
16:28:15 1091MB DETAILED:
Cache path: C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Local\Redshift\Cache
16:28:15 1109MB DEBUG:
3ds Max preference 'Open Message Window on Error' is OFF
16:28:15 1109MB DEBUG:
Load plugin config from C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2022 - 64bit\ENU\en-US\plugcfg\redshift.cfg
16:28:15 1109MB DEBUG:
Config version: 3.6.03
16:28:15 1109MB DEBUG:
Init plugin systems
16:28:15 1111MB DEBUG:
Initialization took 4891 ms
16:28:47 1973MB DEBUG:
Redshift Global Utility Plugin START
16:28:47 1973MB DEBUG:
REDSHIFT_3DSMAX_COMPUTEINIT = -1 : Compute engine will be initialized on its own thread when rendering for the first time
16:28:47 1973MB DEBUG:
Init Feedback Display
16:28:47 1974MB DEBUG:
Init Toolbar
16:28:47 1974MB DEBUG:
Init Post Effects
16:30:58 2943MB DEBUG:
16:31:03 3450MB DEBUG:
Units changed
16:31:03 3450MB DEBUG:
Purging 0 shaderball scenes
16:31:03 3451MB DEBUG:
Units changed
16:31:03 3451MB DEBUG:
Purging 0 shaderball scenes
16:31:03 3451MB DEBUG:
Units changed
16:31:03 3451MB DEBUG:
Purging 0 shaderball scenes
16:31:03 3451MB DEBUG:
Units changed
16:31:03 3451MB DEBUG:
Purging 0 shaderball scenes
16:31:03 3451MB DEBUG:
Redshift Global Utility Plugin LOAD
16:31:05 3349MB DEBUG:
16:31:05 3349MB DEBUG:
Scene camera mode is: optical
16:32:09 5492MB DEBUG:
[0x000001E9A1CD3600] rsMaxRenderer::Open called from thread 31756
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Redshift Initialized
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Version: 3.6.03, Jun 12 2024 10:35:13 [95eb6433]
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Windows Platform (Windows 10 Pro)
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Release Build
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Number of CPU HW threads: 12
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
CPU speed: 3.40 GHz
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Total system memory: 63.91 GB
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
TDR delay: 60s
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling not enabled
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Driver version: [NVidia] 556.12
16:32:09 5492MB DETAILED:
Current working dir: c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins
16:32:09 5492MB INFO:
redshift_LICENSE=<not set>
16:32:09 5493MB DEBUG:
RLM License Search Path=C:\ProgramData\Redshift;C:\ProgramData\Maxon\RLM
16:32:09 5493MB DEBUG:
License return timeout is disabled (license will be returned on shutdown)
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
Loading Redshift procedural extensions...
16:32:09 5518MB DEBUG:
From path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift\Procedurals\
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
Preparing compute platforms
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
Found CUDA compute library in c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\redshift3dsmax2022\bin\redshift-core-cuda-vc140.dll
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
Could not load the HIP core library from c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\redshift3dsmax2022\bin\redshift-core-hip-vc140.dll
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
error: The specified module could not be found.
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
Found CPU compute library in c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\redshift3dsmax2022\bin\redshift-core-cpu-vc140.dll
16:32:09 5518MB DETAILED:
16:32:09 5532MB DETAILED:
Creating CUDA contexts
16:32:09 5532MB DETAILED:
CUDA init ok
16:32:09 5532MB DETAILED:
Ordinals: { 0 }
16:32:24 5472MB ERROR:
Redshift encountered an unrecoverable error during initialization and has been disabled. 3ds Max may be in an unstable state. We recommend you save your work and restart 3ds Max.
16:32:24 5472MB DEBUG:
[0x000001E9A1CD3600] rsMaxRenderer::Render called from thread 31756