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tyFlow v0.16047 (BETA) - Printable Version

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tyFlow v0.16047 (BETA) - tyFlow - 09-23-2019

tyFlow v0.16047 is up!



* added Event Index test to operator filters
* added breadth-first bind-by-ID search to property test
* added "inflate whole cloth" option to Modify Bindings inflate parameters
* added planar distance test options to Object Test operator
* added option in Tets operator to assign box-projected UVWs
* Flow Update has an option to disable Birth Flow ID tracking, so that it can be used on its own without a corresponding Birth Flow operator.
* added tyFaceFracture modifier which has equivalent functionality to the Face Fracture operator
* added tyEdgeWeight modifier for procedural assignment of edge weights to an editable poly (for use in combination with Meshsmooth, Quad Chamfer, etc)
* added tyFaceExtrude modifier for procedural face extrusion/scaling using vertex soft selection values as a multiplier for the extrusion/scaleĀ  amounts
* tyExtrude modifier renamed tySplineExtrude
* tyMesher "input geometry" mode can now filter matIDs in order to cull certain pieces of input geo
* tySpline weld parameters now apply to all knots on a segment, not just matching endpoints
* added "per frame" mode to spawn operator
* Birth Burst operator can now save per-burst groups/properties
* added "Current Value" options to Custom Properties operator, for transferring existing channel values to/from target particles


* fixed a crash that could occur in the Cloth Bind operator if the input mesh has invalid texture vert indices
* fixed an issue where Cloth Bind constraints would not get a proper ID if the cloth ID was set to 0.
* delete operators show timing info in editor (reversion of previous removal)
* fixed an issue where Surface Test occlusion test was saving numRays instead of numHits in custom data channels when told to in the Test rollout
* fixed a regression which could cause the PhysX Bind operator to crash
* fixed a bug where converting multiple particles into tets in the same time step would result in their tet resolution getting progressively denser.
* fixed a bug where "random" break mode in the Particle Bind operator was not actually random, and bindings would not break properly
* fixed a bug where Export Particles additional geo was not exporting in the correct coordinate system
* fixed a bug where where "Channel (Target)" option in the Custom Properties operator was displaying the incorrect text "Change Existing"