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Frost doesn't appear in the viewport but does in the render - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Frost doesn't appear in the viewport but does in the render (/thread-120.html)

Frost doesn't appear in the viewport but does in the render - SteveDeeGreen - 04-04-2019


minor bug (or at least I haven't found a way to get it to work)

Frost allows you to pick a TyFlow system as a source, but doesn't show in the viewport - however it does render.



RE: Frost doesn't appear in the viewport but does in the render - SteveDeeGreen - 04-04-2019

Update to this - it does show in viewport with spline meshes.

RE: Frost doesn't appear in the viewport but does in the render - tyFlow - 04-04-2019

Did you try turning the "Particle Interface" on in the Interfaces rollout?

My guess is because by default Frost doesn't know tyFlow is a particle system without that enabled, so it tried to use tyFlow as a mesh instead....but by default the Mesh operator is set to "render only"....hence only showing up in the render.

RE: Frost doesn't appear in the viewport but does in the render - SteveDeeGreen - 04-04-2019

Brilliant, that works!

