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tyMesher - unable to save file - Printable Version

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tyMesher - unable to save file - moonjam - 11-21-2019

I realise that as bug reports go, this is one of the least helpful as I cannot easily replicate the circumstances but I think I've narrowed it down to tyMesher being a factor. 

Basically, I keep having scenarios where Max (2020) will hang when I try to save my scene and I have to force quit. The scene itself is very small (around 750k) and just has some simple, animated geometry which I am then using tyMesher to create a fused version. The reason I believe tyMesher is the culprit is that whenever I delete it, the file has no problems, it's only when I have it in the scene that the problem occurs, although (frustratingly) intermittently.

I'm going to try and see if I can narrow down the actual problem and recreate it consistently but I though I'd give you a heads up now just in case.

RE: tyMesher - unable to save file - tyFlow - 11-21-2019

I've never experienced that myself, so if you can provide a scene file that would be helpful.

RE: tyMesher - unable to save file - moonjam - 12-03-2019

Ok, I am able to recreate this now. It appears that using the Relax modifier and tymesher being visible are a factor.


Create two spheres
Create tyMesher
Pick spheres as source objects
Apply Relax modifier to tyMesher
Hide tyMesher
Move either sphere
Attempt to save/save incremental

There's a scene file here - https://we.tl/t-16ykmyz5lm

Basically, if you move either source object while the tyMesher is hidden and attempt to save, the system hangs. I'm guessing it's something to do with the way Max is processing the mesh whilst hidden?

I can definitely work around it but thought you should be aware!


RE: tyMesher - unable to save file - tyFlow - 12-03-2019

Thanks AJ, will be fixed in the next build.

RE: tyMesher - unable to save file - moonjam - 12-04-2019

(12-03-2019, 11:58 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Thanks AJ, will be fixed in the next build.

You are the best!