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tyflow render with Phoenix FD shader - Printable Version

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tyflow render with Phoenix FD shader - particletree - 12-15-2019


I am using Phoenix FD Particle Shader to render tyflow particles. its working with one solid color.

how can use Phoenix FD ParticleTexture MAP inside the ParticleShader to render tyflow particles with a gradient or use the velocity or age to color the particles.

Under color from particle channel there is nothing to select when I use Tyflow as my Source particles system.

Its like this but with tyflow as particles



RE: tyflow render with Phoenix FD shader - shadowkiller - 01-12-2020

You could use the fluid properties operator. Enable the velocity channel and give it a name, then in a mapping operator use the mapping from data and assign the velocity channel from the fluid operator. You can then use the mapping operator to drive the uvw of a material, such as a gradient ramp. You can renormalize the values in the mapping operator to adjust the blending values. Just make sure you set the timing on the mapping operator to continuous.

RE: tyflow render with Phoenix FD shader - tomoya kimpara - 07-05-2023

I am struggling with the same thing.

The above comment did not respond to Particle Shader, to add to it. I tried every map I could think of and it just wasn't happening. 

The only one that responds is Mapping in TY, getting VertexColor from the texture, setting the channel to 1, etc., using Export PRT, assigning PRTloder with VertexColor channel set to 1, and rendering in karakator There was no other way.

I wanted to do point rendering in Vray, but have come to the conclusion that it is currently not possible.