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Is there any way to hide seam of Voronoi Fracture? - Printable Version

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Is there any way to hide seam of Voronoi Fracture? - anicaric - 02-21-2020

Hello everyone,
I already searched for similar question but couldn't find it, So I'm posting this question.
You know, I can see seam when I apply Voronoi Fracture in Birth Objects of tyFlow, 
(Please check the attached image.)
My goal is that hide all the seams, just like normal object until it start destroyed.
Is there any way to hide the seam of Voronoi Fracture?
Thank you in advance,

RE: Is there any way to hide seam of Voronoi Fracture? - d4rk3lf - 02-22-2020

Don't voronoi it right away. 
Make some trigger (test) that will send particles to another event (with voronoi) when destruction begins.

Another option would be using simple mask in After Effects (or any comp app).

RE: Is there any way to hide seam of Voronoi Fracture? - anicaric - 02-22-2020

Thank you for your kind reply, sir.
I appreciate it,