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Collision set to Continue - Particles pausing/stopping with non-zero radius - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Collision set to Continue - Particles pausing/stopping with non-zero radius (/thread-148.html)

Collision set to Continue - Particles pausing/stopping with non-zero radius - mitchfx - 04-05-2019

I'm finding that if I have a particle with shape assigned (cube) and run a Collision with Particle Interaction set to Continue, there is a pause in motion when the particle normally would bounce fi the Collision Radius is set  >0.0 or in Shape Radius or Scale Radius mode.   If you set the radius high enough the particle will get stuck in place at the birth position and never move.  I'm using a simple force with built-in gravity, but a max deflector spacewarp at the ground plane for collision.  Same thing happens if I use a plane for the collider instead.

RE: Collision set to Continue - Particles pausing/stopping with non-zero radius - tyFlow - 04-05-2019

Thanks for the report, I'll look into it.

RE: Collision set to Continue - Particles pausing/stopping with non-zero radius - tyFlow - 04-05-2019

Hey, this bug is fixed in the next build (v0.16008) which will be released shortly.