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particleInteger channel - Printable Version

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particleInteger channel - wyszolmirski - 04-10-2020


Is there any way to get particleInteger channel like in pflow ? I've been using this for vrayinstancer to get different instance per particleInteger. 


RE: particleInteger channel - tyFlow - 04-14-2020

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but you can use the Instance ID operator to assign IDs to render instances.

RE: particleInteger channel - wyszolmirski - 04-15-2020

The Instance ID would mainly help me with materials, as VRayInstancer doesn't accept this as one of the modes - http://www.dabarti.com/screens/sb5dd5791-97f2-4918-8d2f-dfa56acfe302b.png

I need this to control which particle is instanced with certain source objects, but the only mode that supports this is "particleInteger".

In past I used "Birth Script" or "Scripted Operator" in Pflow to change this. It's this property:
"-- .particleInteger : integer : Read|Write // to store custom integer data per particle"

It does seem to me that to get instances with VRay GPU and TyFlow I need to use vrayinstancer as the "render instances" in Mesh node is not supported. I just would like to have some more control over this. Maybe the "Instance ID" could have some option to "export as particleInteger value"?


RE: particleInteger channel - tyFlow - 04-15-2020

Oh I see. Unfortunately that value doesn't seem to be exposed by the IParticleObjectExt interface, which means VRay is directly reading the data from a PFlow object, not its generic interface....so I don't think it would be possible to return a similar value from tyFlow.

If you're feeling really motivated to get it working, the VRayInstancer source code is included in the VRay SDK...you could modify it to associate birth IDs with that property instead of PFlow particle integers.

RE: particleInteger channel - wyszolmirski - 04-15-2020

I see. I could try to ask Chaos to support more modes out of the box.

Is there is a way to make "render instances" in Mesh node compatible with V-Ray GPU?

RE: particleInteger channel - tyFlow - 04-15-2020

Not currently, I've supplied ChaosGroup with my interface a few months ago, now we just have to wait for them to implement it.

RE: particleInteger channel - MKL - 06-02-2023

Do we have some news from ChaosGroup? It doesn't seem interface has been implemented.

RE: particleInteger channel - tyFlow - 06-03-2023

tyFlow instancing in VRay GPU mode was implemented a long time ago, yes, in VRay 6.