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Strange Collision Bug? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Strange Collision Bug? (/thread-2199.html)

Strange Collision Bug? - jirwin - 02-05-2021

I'm playing around with the new build of Tyflow and project files from Tyflow Basecamp from RedefineFX,
and I'm having a strange collision problem: objects falling through the floor and not recognizing Collision objects or Test Surfaces.

Any idea what's going wrong here? Screengrab attached. Using MAX 2017. Thanks!

RE: Strange Collision Bug? - jirwin - 02-05-2021

Tested and same issue in MAX 2021 - attaching project file to see if others can replicate issue?

RE: Strange Collision Bug? - tyFlow - 02-05-2021

Just from glancing at your screenshot, you apply gravity before moving particles to the other event to be de-activated, so they are not stationary in that other event....they will continue to fall.

Try moving the Force operator down below your Surface Test.

RE: Strange Collision Bug? - jirwin - 02-06-2021

Yeah, moving Force below the Surface Test fixes the binding issue - but the object is still falling through the floor at the beginning of the simulation...

Any ideas? Does the .MAX file simulate correctly for you?


RE: Strange Collision Bug? - jirwin - 02-07-2021

My mistake, not a bug - Jesse from RedefineFX pointed out this was likely related to CUDA drivers.

Reinstalled CUDA dlls and it works perfectly. Case closed!  Big Grin