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Network render machines lock up - Printable Version

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Network render machines lock up - andylewisart - 04-02-2019


I'm taking a crack at trying to get tyFlow to render on our render farm with Max 2018. I've placed the 2018 .dlo in the appropriate Max plugins folder for the machines I want to do the rendering. I'm using VRay 3.6 and am using Deadline as a render manager. 

Strangely, only two of my network machines render tyFlow, while the rest lock up completely. I can't think of anything special about the two that rendered the job properly aside from the fact that they are two of our worst machines. 

The last message I get on my Deadline logs before Max locks up on the machine is:
MaxLighting: Opening renderer

The VFB never appears, so it looks like it's just trying to load VRay and tyFlow together and freezing? Let me know if there's anything you know of that I could be doing to get past this issue. 

tyFlow is INCREDIBLE! Thank you for innovating!


EDIT: I should note that I didn't cache the simulation, as I am not sure if it's possible to assign materials appropriately to the various instances being generated from a shape operator in the event. I figured tyFlow was so fast that I could potentially not need to cache.

RE: Network render machines lock up - andylewisart - 04-02-2019

In case this is helpful, here are the specs on the two machines that are able to render tyflow via Deadline (yes, they are old and crappy):

Video card:
Intel HD Graphics

i7 2600

Samsung HD204UI

The freezing machines are newer. I'll keep trying to see if I can find any other patterns.