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tyParticleSkin modifier when particles are deleted - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: tyParticleSkin modifier when particles are deleted (/thread-2549.html)

tyParticleSkin modifier when particles are deleted - Skeptic_George - 07-31-2021

Hi, I've got a mesh with a tyParticleSkin modifier on it, and it's being driven by a tyFlow object.  Unfortunately, during the scene, some particles hit a kill box and are deleted.  When this happens, the portions of the mesh driven by those killed particles return to their unmodified original position.  You can see in the attached image how some of my supposed-to-be exploded head has returned to its original state after the particles driving it were deleted.  Is there a way to delete or hide those elements that lose their "attachment" to particles instead of having them just return home and ruining my effect?


As a side note, the tyFlow object is itself driven by a tyCache object (for which I don't have the original tyFlow system), so I don't have the option to turn off the kill box.

RE: tyParticleSkin modifier when particles are deleted - Skeptic_George - 07-31-2021

Ooooh! I came up with a solution. I created a new tyFlow object that used a birth flow operator to bring in my tyCache. Then I had each of those newly birthed particles spawn a single particle and bound those spawned particles to their parents. Adding weak Physx binds between the spawned particles allowed me to use them for deforming and tearing the mesh whose tyParticleSkin modifier used only the spawned particles group as its reference. The spawned particles did not die when their parents died, so no more problem. ?