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Multiple tyCache Nodes Slowdown - Printable Version

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Multiple tyCache Nodes Slowdown - Sandberg - 04-08-2019

I noticed that if you put around 10 empty tyCache nodes in an empty scene, then try to move one of their position, the fps really slows down while moving them.

Not only does moving the tyCache nodes slow down the fps, moving anything in the scene slows down like that, for instance if you create a box and move that.

No setting on the tyCache node seems to really "turn them off" so the fps doesn't slow down.

I'm not really that technical, but i thought i'd mention this if there is a bug lurking about. I think having a couple of empty nodes around shouldn't really affect the fps in this way.

For clarification:
By "node" i mean object in the max-scene. Not nodes in the tyFlow Window.