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Rendering TyFlow with deadline - Printable Version

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Rendering TyFlow with deadline - whertigo - 09-08-2021

Been doing some tyflow render testing on our farm, and was failing to render as long as I had any tyflow-object in the scene.

However, after configuring Deadline to pick up plugins from a network folder, it does work - the basic functionality anyway. Cuda-collisions does not work, the particles act as they not are configured as CUDA, but still render.

Anyone know how to fix this?

The CUDA-files are located in the same folder as tyflow.dlo.

The -.ini file that spesifies plugins for deadline use looks as follows;



I'm assuming that I need to specify cuda-files in the same manner as I did with tyflow, but I have no idea of how to call them, the deadline log doesn't give me any errors. (for example, before I added "tyIcon" to the list, I would get an error saying "tyIcon missing").

Any pointers woud be much appreciated.

RE: Rendering TyFlow with deadline - tyFlow - 09-08-2021

Not sure why it's not picking up the DLLs...but that aside, there are very few situations where it's a good idea to do a network render without caching all your geo first. Especially with the CCCS - which is not guaranteed to be deterministic across machines (no two machines are guaranteed to produce exactly the same result). I would recommend caching to tyCache before rendering anything, and by doing so you'll also avoid all of these DLL issues at the same time.