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Thaaaaaaaaaaannnnnkkk Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu - Printable Version

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Thaaaaaaaaaaannnnnkkk Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu - Tylox - 04-02-2019

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart
           THANK YOU 

I guess you've just save 3dsmax !!!
Man, your work is so impressive and i'm playing with it since 1 hour and i love it...

Just one thing, when you say that is compatible with vray 3.6, is "only" 3.6 or 3.6 and above ? like next ? 
cause i can't render anything !

Regards and keep going to work this way, it's just amazing....

Prepare to be a millionaire  Cool Cool Cool

RE: Thaaaaaaaaaaannnnnkkk Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu - tyFlow - 04-02-2019

Currently, in tyFlow for max 2017/18/19, only VRay 3.6 is supported (not NEXT)...and vice versa for 2020. I'll hopefully be fixing this soon.