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Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - Printable Version

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Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - Alexx31 - 12-10-2021


I was wondering yesterday about a scene, where I couldn't get motion blur to moving particles rendered.

Is there a limit with certain object types? or any hidden rules, neede modifier etc.?
I'm rendering with Vray. motion blur on, tried every possible exposure time, it keeps to be sharp.

Thank you

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - tyFlow - 12-10-2021

Rendering tyFlow particles as instances (choose instances from the Mesh operator) should be enough for moblur in VRay/Redshift/Arnold/etc.

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - Alexx31 - 12-11-2021

Thanks, but I tried it now again, and with "as instances" it doesn't render at all, then it becomes invisible.

I have also set it on a short time, to make sure, that is hasn't to do with time.
It's only rendering as a triangle mesh
(I'm watching it in Vray IPR in the VFB)

The same is happening with a tyCache Object (with Edit Poly Modifier on it).

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - tyFlow - 12-11-2021

If you're rendering with VRay GPU you may need to enable the flow's particle interface in order to render as instances. You can do that in the interfaces rollout.

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - d4rk3lf - 12-11-2021

Where do you turn on the motion blur in vray?
I just turn it on, in Physical Camera, and they always work.
So, just try to turn them on in camera, not in vray render settings.

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - Alexx31 - 12-11-2021

I did it that way. It’s a 3dsMax PhysicalCamera, which I carried over from a tutorial scene.
I‘m using only CPU.
I will set up maybe a small fresh test scene.

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - Alexx31 - 12-11-2021

I have sent you the file by email... many thanks for having a short look.

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - 2ma9zen - 03-11-2024

(12-11-2021, 09:30 PM)Alexx31 Wrote: I have sent you the file by email... many thanks for having a short look.

Hi Alex
I have the same problem as you had in 2021 with no motion blur. Did you find a solution?
Seems like it's still a common problem for many.


RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - Alexx31 - 03-11-2024

Hi Thomas, yes there have been two ways, but I would have to look into my notice book and test myself, it’s long ago Wink
Maybe set the mesh operator to: „Render as mesh“ not instances or vice versa.
And try a modifier on tyflow (not important which)
Or disable GPU instancing in the tyflow render settings
Something of these settings had caused, but not sure what exact.
I had the problem especially with tycached particles and it was easy to solve.

RE: Ho to get motion blur rendered from particles? - rod_sott - 05-16-2024

Hi guys! I'm with the same problem.. .can't make the motion blur work with VRay GPU / Vantage... I've tried all possible combinations on enabling/disabling mesh render, instances, particle interface, tyCache, tyFlow itself, enabling motion blur property on object, on camera, Max and VRay physical cameras, adding Edit poly on top... NOTHING makes the tyFlow particles to create motion blur in the render. I animated an object, to be sure that the motion blur is working, and just with tyFlow that its not working. Tyson, @tyFlow , please give us some light on this subject.. I really need to render in Vantage due the render time, and I really want the native motion blur, other than using some in post.. Thank in advance!!