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Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! (/thread-2972.html)

Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - Alexx31 - 03-02-2022


Tyflow needs in a way to increase and decrease values like an "ease in" and "ease out".
Similar to typical workflows in animation. (Even cooler would be an integrated graph, but this would be luxury)

For example, particles should be emitted from zero to maximum and then after some time back to zero, in order to get not abrupt changes of the flow, to be able to softly start and end it. 

I have this need actually in many different situations, often you need to send out in a different event or create cumbersome workflows with custom properties (Set, Get, Interpolation...) which only work in some cases and make the node tree very hard to read.
Sending particles to new events makes trouble, when you need to keep them in the first event. And if you have several such cases, it's not possible, and/or you would need to create complicated networks, only to achieve such a basic thing.


my related thread:


RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - tyFlow - 03-02-2022

You can already do that by keyframing various values and then adjusting the curves in the Graph Editor, like any other parameter in max.

To ease-in/ease-out birth, just set the mode to rate and then keyframe the value.

To ease-in/ease-out sending to another event, use a Split operator and keyframe the per-frame setting, etc.

RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - Alexx31 - 03-02-2022

I know the keyframing, but is honestly not a good solution, it should be integrated without having to jump:

It would need one small button, which when activated opens a field for the number of frames.
- "ease in" and ease out: if you type e.g. "20"  in the "ease in" field it means it gets the value from 0 within 20 frames.
If you would go one step further 3 buttons for 3 curve types: "linear", "curve bend upwards" and "curve bend downwards".
This would be a cool solution, makes it possible within 5 seconds to set up and to check the value.

I can never see the values in the interface, if something is keyed.
And in Max, all keyframes are also "relative". I had several times, where I change only one value and all values were messed up.
For "native" Maya users the Max animation graph is a nightmare...Wink

Another advantage is:
Ease in and Ease out are independent from the value, which you can change any time!
You can work as always in tyflow, test different values within a second, no keying, hazzle with the bad curve editor.

RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - Alexx31 - 03-02-2022

Testing (again) keys on birth rate, they actually are invisible... No chance to see in a quick check
and cumbersome to change.
I can see them only when I am coincidentally on the keyed frame, then there are short these red brackets.
No further information, even nothing visible in the timeline.

And if I would like to shift the birth frames (which is the case now with 8 differently event nodes), I can plan 15 minutes for a small task, to adjust them.
Because I have to jump now between max editors and birth rate and event frames. And if that was wrong I can do it all again...

( And this is only for one attribute in one operator, the "birth rate", I would like use them in many operators to refine the results.)



RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - tyFlow - 03-02-2022

Your tyFlow object needs to be selected, to see the keys.

RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - Alexx31 - 03-02-2022

Okay right, but then I see so many keys from different birth operators, not just the selected operator. And they are always visible, even when I select an unkeyed operator. Therefore there is no information coming with those key ticks - about what is keyed and how long and which belong together (in and out of a certaion operator for example).

RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - tyFlow - 03-02-2022

Yes in that case you'd need to open the graph editor and edit the individual operator keys in there.

RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - Alexx31 - 03-02-2022

Please think about the feature - people will love it Smile