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Does "Birth Objects" preserve or respect instances? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Does "Birth Objects" preserve or respect instances? (/thread-3160.html)

Does "Birth Objects" preserve or respect instances? - TubeSmokeGuy - 06-29-2022


I have a machine from CAD with several thousand parts. A lot of them like screws and bolts are instances in 3dsmax. My question is, if tyFlow respects instances when creating the shape geometries per particle or does it make a unique mesh per particle?

The machine as tyFlow mesh is nearly not handleable, but the max geo one is fine.

Thank you! Smile

RE: Does "Birth Objects" preserve or respect instances? - tyFlow - 06-29-2022

Not currently, no...although that's an interesting idea. Possibly something to explore in the future.