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position object on tyflow particles - Printable Version

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position object on tyflow particles - mic3mic4 - 07-08-2022

Is there a way to position an event on tyflow particles (another event)?
I have simple bricks (shape: a reference nobe) using basically birth, force, and collision. like a stream of bricks flowing in one direction.
I want to add on these particles different particles that 'ride' them on different locations (different location on each particle brick). (attached is a single brick with the desired tymesher). i want the second event to be placed randomly on the bricks.    
Thank you!

RE: position object on tyflow particles - tyFlow - 07-10-2022

You can link particles to other particles by setting them as their target.

So for example, you can use a Spawn operator to spawn particles on the mesh of parent particles (there are settings in the Spawn operator to spawn on the surface of the parent), then use a Set Target operator to assign the parent as the target of the child parent...then there's also options to link those child particles to their target.

RE: position object on tyflow particles - mic3mic4 - 07-12-2022

...I was stuck on something else (that I might ask about soon) so I haven't gotten to try what you suggested. but I will and report. thank you! Tyflow is an amazing tool Smile

RE: position object on tyflow particles - mic3mic4 - 07-14-2022

I can't seem to make it work.
I have set as evaluation 1 particle moving in one direction from position icon- a birth (0-60)  + forces and I assigned particle group = 1.
As evaluation 2 - a birth (0-4: 4), 'Grow' and 'set target'. the set target is at random (I also tried by value, and parent) and also chose 'move to target' and 'link to target'.
I do see a link, and it goes with the flow of particles, but it appears as a sphere, and not as the grow,
I assigned a tymesher and still - I just see a single sphere moving on each particle.
Attached is the working file
In the file, you can see the single brick I want to copy (the tyflow02 + tymesher01)
(by the way - the collision causes the simulation to reset so it is enabled and the reset simulation mode is set to manual)
Please... HELPPP. Thank you Smile