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Stop simulation and use particles in another event? - Printable Version

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Stop simulation and use particles in another event? - config.sys - 08-27-2022


TyFlow noob here, so bare with me!

I have a difficulty wrapping my head around TyFlow workFlow.
1. I want to throw a cloth over an object and have it settle, stop the simulation and sue the cloth in another event later, for say an unveiling.

2. Scatter particles around and use it as a starting point for another event.

Would be nice not have to run through the first part of the sim again and again.

I'm also confused if tyCache would be useful here.


RE: Stop simulation and use particles in another event? - d4rk3lf - 08-29-2022

There's so many ways you can do these things.... that is actually hard to answer your question.
I don't know where to start? Smile
(so many options)

I'll try answering your questions by order, and hopefully that will give you some insight

1) Alright you have your cloth, and you made it up settle in (let's say: in 170 frame), and you want it froze another (for example 50 frames), and then use some other forces to drive cloth the other way... fine.. just make it settle in event 1, then use time test (set to frames and 170 (like we said before)) and then bring it to another event, where you only have stop operator, and another time test operator (now set to 220 (frame (50 frames, like we said before)), and then in the third event, you add surface test, object bind, pr whatever it needs toi pull cloth out of the object.
So you have your cloth solved

2) I am not sure what you ask here...
But if you're asking "Now that I have my cloth simmed" let's place some small particles on that same cloth simulation that will follow cloth. That's actually very easy, and straight forward.
Just create another Tyflow and make birth flow , and position object operators. In position object operator, just pick your first Tyflow... they you just add object bind op (also pick your first Tyflow), and choose by surface and stick to surface.
And there you have it.. your second Tyflow (chunks), will follow your first Tyflow cloth without resiming first Tyflow all the time.
About caching...
Sometimes first Tyflow (cloth) became so complicated, that is really hard for second Tyflow to follow up.. and after you sure your Tyflow cloth sim won't have any changes.. you just make a cache of it... and in second Tyflow you actually spawn that new particles on the cached Tyflow mesh...
Another option would be using Tyflow particle Skin... also applicable to your question...

Hope this helps a little.

RE: Stop simulation and use particles in another event? - config.sys - 09-03-2022

This certainly helped gain insight into TyFlow and I appreciate it.

I now have to do some testing and I'll probably have some more questions afterwards Smile