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Transformation Matrix [TM] - position accuracy issue - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Transformation Matrix [TM] - position accuracy issue (/thread-3388.html)

Transformation Matrix [TM] - position accuracy issue - chriss3d - 11-16-2022


I have got very simple flow. 

Object birth ,face fractured (saving TM of the fractures - ) then  time test , some particle manipulation and coming back to the same position [TM]. 
Unfortunately when they come back,  the position and rotation does not fit perfectly to their original state.
I tried different time step and the problem is still there.

Please find attached stills.



RE: Transformation Matrix [TM] - position accuracy issue - tyFlow - 11-16-2022

Can you attach the scene?

RE: Transformation Matrix [TM] - position accuracy issue - chriss3d - 11-16-2022

(11-16-2022, 06:45 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Can you attach the scene?

Thanks Tyson,

Please find attached scene.


RE: Transformation Matrix [TM] - position accuracy issue - tyFlow - 11-17-2022


So it's not a transform issue...the reason for the offset is that you haven't stopped/dampened the spin forces you applied in the 2nd event once particles get to the 3rd event.

So you're moving your particles back to their original location, and then their spin value is being integrated (applied) at the end of the time step, offsetting them a little bit. When the next frame is processed, the particles are once again set back to their original transform (negating that previous bit of spin offset), and then at the end of the timestep the spin is re-applied, etc, etc...forever....leaving them a bit offset each frame.

Just add a Stop or Slow operator to the last event, and bring the spin value to 0.

RE: Transformation Matrix [TM] - position accuracy issue - chriss3d - 11-17-2022

(11-17-2022, 01:28 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Hey,

So it's not a transform issue...the reason for the offset is that you haven't stopped/dampened the spin forces you applied in the 2nd event once particles get to the 3rd event.

So you're moving your particles back to their original location, and then their spin value is being integrated (applied) at the end of the time step, offsetting them a little bit. When the next frame is processed, the particles are once again set back to their original transform (negating that previous bit of spin offset), and then at the end of the timestep the spin is re-applied, etc, etc...forever....leaving them a bit offset each frame.

Just add a Stop or Slow operator to the last event, and bring the spin value to 0.

Thanks Tyson,

It worked. I thought that "get value" would override all previous values and bring original TM.
