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Doubts with licenses and network rendering. - Printable Version

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Doubts with licenses and network rendering. - ADN - 05-03-2023


For work every day we have two (2) Tyflow licenses on two (2) different machines. A license for each work machine.

In parallel we have a machine that is only used to render with Backburnner.

The question is... is it necessary to have another tyflow license for the rendering machine? Or how should it be done?

Thank you.

On the other hand, sometimes when rendering in a network with backburner the particles come out differently on one machine compared to the other machine. Giving rise to an unpleasant flicker of particles.

What is the reason for this? And how can I avoid it?

Thanks again.

RE: Doubts with licenses and network rendering. - tyFlow - 05-03-2023

You should always cache (tyCache, preferably) particles before rendering.

As for network rendering, a license is not necessary. Install tyFlow RENDER on the machine and it'll get full multithreading performance.

RE: Doubts with licenses and network rendering. - ADN - 05-03-2023


But if I cache the particles I have problems with Redshift (3.05.14) when doing DOF or Motion Blur. I'm probably doing something wrong but I don't know what.

RE: Doubts with licenses and network rendering. - tyFlow - 05-03-2023

What's the DOF/moblur issue?

As for differences between machines...I'd have to look closer at your exact tyFlow setup to figure out why...

RE: Doubts with licenses and network rendering. - ADN - 05-04-2023

Thank you. Right now I don't have any current example at hand, but as soon as it happens to me again I'll attach a Log or the scene, or something that can help you. The last time it happened to us it was the 1014. Now we have changed to the 1018 and so far so good.

The thing about the DOF and the MB was that they did not appear in the render. But 6 months have passed since then and we haven't used it again. In the next project we will do tests and I will inform you.

Thank you so much