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TyPolyAnimation for paint deform animation - Printable Version

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TyPolyAnimation for paint deform animation - ferabachini - 06-18-2023

Hello Tyson, I would like to ask if it would be possible and feasible to include a mesh animation modification using the standard Paint Deform tools on Max's Ribbon tab, to record animation at the vertex level, as is done with the animation feature in Max. Edit Poly, but this one only works with vertex selection. It would be incredible to have a mod that could even be applied over TyCache to paint mesh deformation animations even on particles, with options such as keyframe on all vertices or only on the changed vertices, restoration button for the original mesh with keyframe generation... .things like that, I would like to know your opinion about this possibility, the Ribbon tools are already there, it would be a way of trying to register in mesh animation the deformations created with the brushes.

RE: TyPolyAnimation for paint deform animation - tyFlow - 06-29-2023

I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking for...but you can measure mesh deformations using tySelect in order to generate selections based on changes to mesh shape.

RE: TyPolyAnimation for paint deform animation - ferabachini - 07-07-2023

What I'm asking for is a modifier that allows saving mesh deformation painting by Ribbon panel brushes as frame-by-frame vertex animation, as well as modifying edit polygon in animation mode, but this one doesn't allow recording vertex animation with the Warp Brushes from the Ribbon panel.

I don't know if it's clearer. I want to be able to deform the mesh of the geometry with Freeform brushes and have that deformation saved as a vertex animation.

RE: TyPolyAnimation for paint deform animation - tyFlow - 07-08-2023

Hmm yea...something like that would require a lot of work to implement and likely have very limited use cases. Probably not something I would implement in tyFlow.