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1. How to cache? and 2. How to populate? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: 1. How to cache? and 2. How to populate? (/thread-4035.html)

1. How to cache? and 2. How to populate? - mikkokovasiipi - 01-14-2024

I am working on a small animation where coffee beans fly towards the camera. Calculating the animation takes some time, and when I try to edit the material of the beans, tyFlow recalculates the animation. Is there a way to save the animation so that editing the material doesn't trigger a recalculation of the animation?

Is it possible to populate the area (table) where the coffee beans are initially located so that they are in a static state from the beginning, without the need for me to first 'drop' them onto the table and only then perform the final animation calculation?


RE: 1. How to cache? and 2. How to populate? - tyFlow - 01-14-2024

1) You can set sim reset mode to manual from the editor right click menu so that it doesn't auto-reset when you change inputs.

2) You can just scatter them on the table instead of dropping, with Position Object or whatever.

RE: 1. How to cache? and 2. How to populate? - mikkokovasiipi - 01-15-2024

Thank you!

1. solved

2. The coffee beans kind of explode because they are generated so close to each other. How could I keep them static until something touches them?.

RE: 1. How to cache? and 2. How to populate? - tyFlow - 01-15-2024

In the PhysX Shape operator you can enable sticky penetrations to prevent particles that are touching at the beginning of the sim from processing their collisions.

RE: 1. How to cache? and 2. How to populate? - mikkokovasiipi - 01-17-2024

Thanks! It's working now.