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Actor meshes Cache Export by Material ID Possible Bug - Printable Version

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Actor meshes Cache Export by Material ID Possible Bug - chriss3d - 01-26-2024


I encountered a very odd problem. I opened my setup with a coral reef that was created a year ago (I can't remember the TyFlow version) with the following configuration for the Actor meshes: "Export Actor skinned meshes by mat ID" (please see the screens). Everything worked well, but after a year, I opened the exact same script and wanted to export the exact same setup, and now TyCache is unable to export Actor meshes (TyCache is 1 KB, and there is no mesh). I'm wondering if there have been any changes in TyFlow in this regard. 


My TYflow  v 1.029

RE: Actor meshes Cache Export by Material ID Possible Bug - tyFlow - 01-30-2024

Could you provide the file please so I can take a look.