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Phoenix FD + Tyflow - Printable Version

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Phoenix FD + Tyflow - remKa - 04-05-2024

Hello everyone,

I'm having trouble to load a .vdb sequence from a Phoenix FD smoke simulation, nothing is showing up, I have no issue with Embergen though.

I've tried every options given in this Facebook's post : https://www.facebook.com/groups/tyflow/permalink/3336760803255399/

Thank you for your help,


RE: Phoenix FD + Tyflow - tyFlow - 04-05-2024

Use a VDB Display operator to view smoke in the viewport.

RE: Phoenix FD + Tyflow - remKa - 04-05-2024

Sorry I've been unclear : I try to mesh a smoke .vdb sequence made with Phoenix FD, I've set the density channel to "Smoke_phx" as you recommended me on Facebook but it's not working.

Please find the scene here : https://fromsmash.com/Hr3E0BDMDL-ct

I have no issue to achieve that with Embergen but for that particlar project I need to do it with Phx.

RE: Phoenix FD + Tyflow - tyFlow - 04-05-2024

Oh I see...you have the strings backwards in the importer.

Currently you're trying to import "density" and rename to "Smoke_phx"

What you want is to import "Smoke_phx" and then rename to "density".

RE: Phoenix FD + Tyflow - remKa - 04-08-2024

Well... I feel dumb, thanks !