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Reduce particle amount over time - Printable Version

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Reduce particle amount over time - Davers1 - 07-19-2024

Hi Everyone,

I'm guessing this is probably a simple solution, but I'm struggling to figure it out.

I have a project where I'm using Tyflow to morph between different objects. My client wants the amount of particles reduced on the second object, but I can't work out what I need to do.

Imagine there is a sphere made up of 200 particles on the left that needs to become a box of 100 particles on the right. I can figure everything else out, but not how to get the particle amount to reduce over the travel time between events.

Any ideas?



Ah, I think I've got it. Keeping things simple helps. I was trying to solve it in my big, complex scene, but test results are quicker in a fresh scene. I used a split node to make a percentage of the particles reduce in scale to zero over time. Hopefully, that'll do the trick!