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Bind particles to spline (first knot) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Bind particles to spline (first knot) (/thread-4357.html)

Bind particles to spline (first knot) - lukapopovic - 07-22-2024

I have a flow that is creating particles with a Birth Intersections operator, applying a wind to them and spawning additional particles on each frame. All these particles are used to create Spline Path in Sibling mode.

I am then using an Object Test operator with an animated box that goes along the splines, which displaces the particles a bit using the Spread operator. My intention is to then reverse this simulation and get an effect of tangled wires being untangled.


I now want to bind particles (that will act as cable connectors) to the first knots of these splines, and have them bound to these first knots so that they follow the position and rotation of the first knots of the splines as they are being manipulated by the Spread operator.



What would be the best way to achieve this?