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physX bindings interaction - Printable Version

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physX bindings interaction - houou - 04-21-2019

I have this two spheres, they are originally quite close from each other and I can't separate them more. ( for real its another thing i'm trying to build but this is just for testing )

I want them to have PhysX bindings internally but not between them, but also I want them to interact with each other.

A) If I use the groups so try to create bindings independently inside the same event, it also connects to the adjacent sphere.
B) If i use separated flows to generate the bindings independently, it succeed creating them, but then they won't collide between them in any way...

Is there any way to do this?
Why the groups connect things further away than their own ID ?

( about what I'm trying to create is some big ears for a character that are very close to each other from start, but they need to collide between them when they move )

RE: physX bindings interaction - tyFlow - 04-22-2019

You need to filter by the group you want in the bind operator, as well as setting the groups on the particles like you already are.

So in your 3rd image, set the bind group of the first event's bind operator to '1', and the second event's bind operator to '2'. Then the particles won't bind to particles of opposing groups.

RE: physX bindings interaction - houou - 04-23-2019

Hi Tyson, Thankyou for your reply.

I wasn't sure what image you refered two, so i anyway tested both ways.

A)  i have 2 groups, and I have two set of bindings. but won't work. they still attach to each other.
B)  in different events i created the groups and bindings and I separated by group.  works but... they don't Collide with each other.  so no good.

Am I missing something here?

RE: physX bindings interaction - tyFlow - 04-23-2019

'A' won't work, because particles from both '1' and '2' will try to bind with '2', so you'll get cross-binding happening.

'B' will work fine, just add all particles to some 3rd group. Groups are just bitflags, so you can put particles in multiple groups at once.

So add top particles to group '1' and '3' and have bind with '1'. Add bottom particles to group '2' and '3' and have bind with '2'. All particles will still collide because they're all members of group '3'.

RE: physX bindings interaction - houou - 04-24-2019

Ok! works! thankyou!

This way works for me!.

by the way.

Is it possible that the TyParticle Skin have groups to assign in the future?
That way even if the objects are close to each other, by grouping we can limit witch particles they have to follow?