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Add Phoenix in just some stones - Printable Version

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Add Phoenix in just some stones - Luciano_Neves - 04-02-2019

Hello Ty,

First of all congratulations for this new Sistem of Particles inside Max. I'm excited to see all the scene tests you made before working on some tutorial.

I made one faster test here just to understand how your Project work. As you made, I made too 3 Deflectors collide with a column. (It's possible I use one object instead I have to use Deflectors ?)

I have 3 questions:

01- It's possible I connect with Phoenix? For example, I just wanna only 3 stones emit smoke after broke, actually I tried to select the 3 stones but could not I could only select icon Tyflow, but even selection to be the source emission the Phoenix not emit.

02- Its possible to make a right uvw for stones broke, inside the stones broke the textures stretch.

03- It's possible I use another object by instance to be small stones after broke? 

Thanks a lot  Smile