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cloth bind as second effect - Printable Version

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cloth bind as second effect - comparazzu - 05-12-2019

Hello everybody,
thank you for help. I wish to use cloth bind on particles obtained from a mesh shattered with a voronoi, but the cloth event doesn't inherit movement or else if cloth bind is on and the effect doesn't work anyway. What am i missing?

thank you


RE: cloth bind as second effect - tyFlow - 05-14-2019

Inherit the movement of what?

RE: cloth bind as second effect - comparazzu - 05-23-2019

(05-14-2019, 10:52 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Inherit the movement of what?

the singles particles should be continue their path cause the fracture, but trasforming in cloth. Like a bunch of stones that trasforms in cloth stones... i hope i have understand you what i mean..
