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Volumetric Cutting - Printable Version

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Volumetric Cutting - mkDIS - 06-21-2019

I'm trying to simulate cutting a cube of Jello in half.  Similar to this:


While I can sim a bunch of particles that looks about right, how could I mesh this to look like a solid cube of jello and not a stack of spheres?  This Maya tutorial does it:


Is this possible in Max with TyFlow?  BlobbyMesh can't seem to handle meshing this many particles without freezing.

Thanks for any answers or suggestions.

RE: Volumetric Cutting - m0thstardust - 12-22-2019

I know it's been a while since this post, but I wanted to bump it as I am also very interested! 


RE: Volumetric Cutting - tyFlow - 12-22-2019

I seem to have missed seeing the original post, but following the Maya tutorial would be quite simple in tyFlow.

You could use the tyMesher object for meshing, and cut the particle binds with a tySlicer.