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tyFlow v0.16034 (BETA) - Printable Version

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tyFlow v0.16034 (BETA) - tyFlow - 06-28-2019

tyFlow v0.16034 is out!



* added a "filters" rollout for many operators, that allows fine-tuned activation control for particles
* increased the width of the operator rollout UI so it's less claustrophobic, longer names can be viewed in listboxes without the need to scroll, etc.
* [experimental] tyFlow should now respect pivot point changes on input geometry/transforms of Shape operator, Actor operator, Object Test, Find Target, etc.
* Birth Flow/Flow Update operators can now take any particle systems that expose the IParticleObjectExt interface (pflow, tyCache, etc) as input.
* added 'Vertex (first)/Vertex (last)' option to Birth Surface for easy spawning of particles at the start/end of splines.
* distance to first/last vertex option added to Surface Test. An example use of this option is testing whether a particle has reached the end of a path it is following.
* added 'remember parent' option in Spawn operator which can be disabled so that particles will not retain parent information. Disabling this is helpful is certain complex setups where you have multiple Spawn operators that are generating particles and you don't want all of them to be considered siblings.
* compacted the Surface Test UI by changing options to dropdown instead of radiobuttons
* tyMesher can now filter input tyFlow particles by group affiliation
* PhysX joint local poses between rigidbodies will now scale properly if the corresponding particles are scaled
* added "Shape Mesh MatID" test to Property Test for testing the matID value of the first face on a particle's shape mesh. This is different from a regular matID test which tests the matID override of a particle, indepedent of any meshes assigned to it.
* added 'sort by surface area' option to PhysX Bind (promiximity)
* added surface/pivot target object selection options in Move Pivots operator


* fixed an issue where rendering tyMeshers with tyFlow input in a sequence would stall after the first frame
* fixed an error where VRay could crash or hang during rendering when rendering the first frame of a sequence when tyFlow caching is enabled
* fixed a bug where Birth Surface "save birth index" option was saving surface element index instead of object index
* fixed a crash that could occur when cloth tearing is enabled on degenerate mesh faces
* fixed an issue where the Mass operator was not setting values correctly in some situations
* fixed a crash that could occur when doing a breath-first mass assignment with PhysX particles that are bound to collision geometry or the ground
* fixed radiobutton selection issues in Move Pivots operator

RE: tyFlow v0.16034 (BETA) - drawer14 - 06-28-2019

Great build, thank you!

RE: tyFlow v0.16034 (BETA) - vklein - 06-30-2019

Really great addons, thanks.