Physx particles shutters
Hi, I'm pretty new to particles in 3ds Max (never used PFlow) and might be asking stupid.  I'm trying to learn TyFlow by making small projects for myself. Starting with very basic of a lot of coins dropping on a surface - so I'm having some very basic questions Smile
But I'm experiencing the coins having small jaggy movements after they have landed and stopped (it works fine on simple box meshes), typical same problem you get in MassFX without tweaking Substeps in the general settings. But I do not know where to tweak the overall Physx particle settings in Tyflow.  

Anyone that can help? Smile
hi, i experienced the same issue, it was fixed just increasing the simulation substeps, in my case it was a physx flow, so, selecting the ty flow icon on modified parameters, PHYSX rollout simulation substeps.
(04-08-2019, 08:10 PM)juanoxx Wrote: hi, i experienced the same issue, it was fixed just  increasing the simulation substeps, in my case it was a physx flow, so, selecting the ty flow icon on modified parameters, PHYSX rollout simulation substeps.

Ah, of course, I completely forgot to check there, thinking it was all done within the editor. that worked perfectly, thanks!

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