Crowds and Phyx object elements
Hello Smile

I have used the crowd scene as a starting point and brought my own rigged character with skinning etc. Is it possible when the actor is sent to the physx event that we can split the object into the object elements and not evaluate the entire object as one.

A work around I am doing at the moment is to go through the character mesh and separate all the elements to their own objects. They all reference the original rig and have a point cache per object. It works good for the Phyx part but I lose the animation loop doing it this way.

Other ways I have tried so far are:
  • xmesh each object into object space, no animation carrying over
  • alembic, no animation carrying over
  • separated each element and just kept the skin modifier, animation does not continue over.

In a nutshell:

Using the rigged character as the actor - animation is preserved. When entering the PhysX state no collision shapes are created for the object elements
When splitting the rigged character elements into their own objects - animation is not preserved. When entering the Physz state, collision geo is created and works as expected.

I hope I made that clear enough Tongue

I think it maybe working now! Brought the rig in as bones... testing now.
So if using a rigged character it converts the actual bones to PhysX and not the geo that is skinned. Then we get crazy deformations. Would there be a way to make it switch to the object elements when Physx is activated?

I'd have to look at your file to see exactly what's going on, by actor skins are treated as a special mesh type in tyFlow and are not directly convertible into particles.
Hi Tyson, here is a simple scene I've just made as the other one grew into a monster of a mess Tongue The skinning goes a bit nuts when Physx activated.

Also is it possible to get true collisions with the mesh that have been passed into the Physx event.

Thanks Smile

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