A menu with all tyflow objects at one place (tyWind,tyFlow, tyCache...)
I find myself always scrolling when looking for a tyflow object. And the menu must mostly be set to "tyflow", which is one step more in each category.

Someone created "tyHome" on Gumroad, but unfortunately this script is old and has not everything.

Would be great to have one panel (ideally there categorized) with everything at one place.
It also helps to remember, which options were available, especially after some time of abstinence from tyflow I forget that there were some Max-objects can be replaced with better Tyflow-objects.

If you consult the docs directly, you'll see all available tyFlow objects listed in the left menu:


I don't think a giant list/menu of all tyFlow objects is something I'd add to Max anywhere myself (I'll continue to just allow users to code such panels on their own, as you found). Conforming to the create panel conventions (tyFlow objects are listed by category, under the "tyFlow" label) is important to maintain consistency with other plugins and align with user expectations. The one exception is a tyFlow object itself, which is listed under Standard Primitives instead of the "tyFlow" label, so that it's more immediately available.
Thanks for explanation
You can use the quad menu to store them

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