Hello, I find myself all the time renaming and updating names in my flows.
Indeed it takes a huge amount of my concentration and time.
But most of these informatins could be provided by default.
Just examples
"Filters": Particle Groups -> Display the name of the filtered group
FrameAge or EventAge -> Is it "Event", "Frame" or "Particle Age"? (one of my heaviest mistakes when things don't behave as expected)
and which are [start-end] Frame
Display Info how many are PhysX in Events:
- Enable to see in each event, how many of those particles are PhysX-particles
It matters for Collision behaviour, some operatore, for simulation speed and for debugging
It could be just like this "Particles 17 [PhysX: 6, Cloth:0]"
Data Statistics:
Display Data provides per particle ID informations, but mostly I need only to know, which are the highest speeds in order to set my filtering correctly.
Kind of a bar diagram, that also tells their percentage distribution ("are 50% at highest velocity or only 1% in this event?")
- Something I can never see and can have heavy influence on waiting times:
If there is an Operator as Voronoi set at "Event Age" and the new born Particles were again processed in this Voronoi after they passed their event age period:
I should be able to measure or get warned. There is currently no way to see what's going on.
See also my separate suggestion here: https://forum.tyflow.com/thread-4499-pos...l#pid14834
- Values in Operators that need to be checked: Property Test Value for example (screenshot)
- Statistics: PhysX Bindings: How many exist? When I break bindings per step, I need to know how many exist.
Display Data doesn't show me anything.
Attached just some example screenshots...
I could write a much longer list, if this is appreciated.
Indeed it takes a huge amount of my concentration and time.
But most of these informatins could be provided by default.
Just examples
"Filters": Particle Groups -> Display the name of the filtered group
FrameAge or EventAge -> Is it "Event", "Frame" or "Particle Age"? (one of my heaviest mistakes when things don't behave as expected)
and which are [start-end] Frame
Display Info how many are PhysX in Events:
- Enable to see in each event, how many of those particles are PhysX-particles
It matters for Collision behaviour, some operatore, for simulation speed and for debugging
It could be just like this "Particles 17 [PhysX: 6, Cloth:0]"
Data Statistics:
Display Data provides per particle ID informations, but mostly I need only to know, which are the highest speeds in order to set my filtering correctly.
Kind of a bar diagram, that also tells their percentage distribution ("are 50% at highest velocity or only 1% in this event?")
- Something I can never see and can have heavy influence on waiting times:
If there is an Operator as Voronoi set at "Event Age" and the new born Particles were again processed in this Voronoi after they passed their event age period:
I should be able to measure or get warned. There is currently no way to see what's going on.
See also my separate suggestion here: https://forum.tyflow.com/thread-4499-pos...l#pid14834
- Values in Operators that need to be checked: Property Test Value for example (screenshot)
- Statistics: PhysX Bindings: How many exist? When I break bindings per step, I need to know how many exist.
Display Data doesn't show me anything.
Attached just some example screenshots...
I could write a much longer list, if this is appreciated.