Camera Cull buggy?
So, it seems that when i'm using the Camera Cull in more than one event AND try to export tyCaches, i get constant crashes.
Not only that, saving the scene, the file becomes corrupted and crash Max upon next reload.
Only option was to merge the offending scene into a clean Max scene, deactivating tyFlows and carefully deleting the Camera Cull operators; then everything went back to normal.

Now, i don't have a scene to send at this time, but i'm wondering if any of these ring any bells to anyone, or is it just me?
There is a known camera cull bug affected v0.16030 that will be fixed in v0.16031. I'm assuming it's the bug you've run into.

To be doubly sure, you could upload the 3dsmax_minidump.dmp file generated when max crashes for me to check out, or send to
When i add the camera cull , i also get crashes when i start playing the animation. Waiting for the update then!

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