tycache 3ds max version
changed something at tycache?
previously i could export a cache in 2019 and render in 2016.
but now i get the massage that the file was save with max 21 and this wont work with 18.
You're trying to open a max file saved in 2019 in 2016. Unless you select 2016 compatibility in the 3dsmax save dialog, that won't be possible. This has nothing to do with tyCache or tyFlow.
no, i trying to load a tycache sequence that was simulated in max 2019 for rendering in max 2016.
did the same thing on this project for weeks.
but now there is a dialog saying that the file was saved with wrong version.
and its not the max file, its the tyCache_tyMesh.tyc i'm trying to load in a tycache object.

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and there may be somthing wrong with export over deadline.

i exported a test cache local and could load it but when i submit to deadline i get this:    
tyCache doesn't save any max version info, and that error is generated by 3dsmax itself, not tyFlow. It is a standard error message you'll get if you try to open or merge a newer file into an older version of max.

Only thing I can think of, is that the latest tyCache also outputs a .mat file for loading material overrides. Perhaps 3dsmax includes version info in that file and when tyCache attempts to load it the error appears. Try deleting the .mat file in the cache folder and see if the error goes away....
yeah it was the .mat file.
Damn, and unfortunately the max sdk has no backwards versioning functions for saving that file, only regular max files. Pretty lame. Sorry about that.

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